Our Products

Currently, we are working with 50Ha of land on which our plantations are located.
Yearly, we produce around 600 to 650 kg of high quality essential oil and 60.0000 lit hydrosola.

Helichrysum Italicum

Helichrysum is cosmetically as well as therapeutically unchallenged in its ability to support cell regeneration and tissue healing.

-essential oil, hydrolate, dried herbs-

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Inula Graveolens

Habitat: A native of the Mediterranean area, Inula is an erect, bushy, aromatic annual herb with small yellow to yellow/white flowers that smell of camphor.

-essential oil, hydrolate, dried herbs-

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Satureja montana

Winter savory is an evergreen perennial shrubby plant that grows up to 50 cm in height, with narrow and small leaves that are glandularly protruding, arranged in tufts on round and hairy twigs.

-essential oil, hydrolate, dried herbs-

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Artemisia annua

Artemisia annua is an aromatic, herbaceous plant native of Asia, a species which stands out from the rest of its genre as an excellent and important source of clinically proven therapeutic compounds.

-essential oil, hydrolate, dried herbs-

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Hyssop essential oil is extracted from Hyssopus officinalis a herb that grows mainly in the Mediterranean region. Hyssop essential oil is extracted from the plant’s leaves and flowers by steam distillation.

-essential oil, hydrolate-

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Lavandula angustifolia

-essential oil, hydrolate-

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Rosmarinus officinalis

-essential oil, hydrolate-

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Wild Plants

In addition, we collect and distill wild plants from our region, such as Salvia officinalis, Daucus carota subsp. Carrot, Vitex agnus castus, Juniperus communis, Laurus nobilis, Abies alba, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus nigra and others.

We usually do wild harvests according to pre-agreed requests and orders.

Our final product is 100% pure & natural essential oils and hydrosols of excellent quality that we produce by steam distillation.
We have all the necessary GC / MS analyzes.

salvia officinalis
-essential oil, hydrolate, dried herbs-

Vitex agnus castus
-essential oil, hydrolate-

Pinus sylvestris -essential oil,

Pinus nigra -essential oil

Laurus nobilis -essential oil, hydrolate

Juniperus communis
-essential oil, hydrolate dried fruits

Daucus carota
-essential oil, hydrolate-

Abies alba -essential oil

Artemisia abrotanum -essential oil, hydrolate

Angelica archangelica -essential oil, hydrolate

Our Products

Currently, we are working with 50Ha of land on which our plantations are located.
Yearly, we produce around 600 to 650 kg of high quality essential oil and 60.0000 lit hydrosola.

Helichrysum Italicum

Helichrysum is cosmetically as well as therapeutically unchallenged in its ability to support cell regeneration and tissue healing.

-essential oil, hydrolate, dried herbs-

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Inula Graveolens

Habitat: A native of the Mediterranean area, Inula is an erect, bushy, aromatic annual herb with small yellow to yellow/white flowers that smell of camphor.

-essential oil, hydrolate, dried herbs-

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Satureja montana

Winter savory is an evergreen perennial shrubby plant that grows up to 50 cm in height, with narrow and small leaves that are glandularly protruding, arranged in tufts on round and hairy twigs.

-essential oil, hydrolate, dried herbs-

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Artemisia annua

Artemisia annua is an aromatic, herbaceous plant native of Asia, a species which stands out from the rest of its genre as an excellent and important source of clinically proven therapeutic compounds.

-essential oil, hydrolate, dried herbs-

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Hyssop essential oil is extracted from Hyssopus officinalis a herb that grows mainly in the Mediterranean region. Hyssop essential oil is extracted from the plant’s leaves and flowers by steam distillation.

-essential oil, hydrolate-

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Lavandula angustifolia

-essential oil, hydrolate-

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Rosmarinus officinalis

-essential oil, hydrolate-

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Wild plants

In addition, we collect and distill wild plants from our region, such as Daucus carota subsp. Carrot, Vitex agnus castus, Juniperus communis, Laurus nobilis, Abies alba, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus nigra and others.

We usually do wild harvests according to pre-agreed requests and orders.

Our final product is essential oil and hydrosols of excellent quality that we produce by steam distillation.
We have all the necessary GC / MS analyzes.

salvia officinalis
-essential oil, hydrolate, dried herbs-

Vitex agnus castus
-essential oil, hydrolate-

Pinus sylvestris -essential oil

Pinus nigra -essential oil

Laurus nobilis -essential oil, hydrolate

Juniperus communis
-essential oil, hydrolate dried fruits

Daucus carota
-essential oil, hydrolate-

Abies alba -essential oil

Artemisia abrotanum -essential oil, hydrolate

Angelica archangelica -essential oil, hydrolate

See our plantation

Our plantations are located in untouched nature, in the fresh air, surrounded by forests and greenery and are away from major roads and cities, which is a fundamental prerequisite for traditional and organic farming.


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